Ray Yee
Coach Ray Yee is a Master Martial Arts Instructor / SAG-AFTRA Stuntman. Yee is routinely acknowledged as one of the southwest’s most qualified martial arts instructors.
He has been training in martial arts since 1980 and teaching since 1998.
9th Degree Black Belt in the Filipino Arts of Kali-Silat-Eskrima-Eskrido-Pangamot under Grandmaster Christopher Petrilli (Founder of Filipino Martial Arts Academy/Filipino Martial Arts Association, Petrilli is a 10th Degree Black Belt under the late Supreme GrandMaster Cacoy Cañete)
5th Grade Black Belt in Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima / Eskrido (Blended system of Eskrima-Judo-Jujitsu-Aikido-Wrestling-Boxing) under the late Supreme GrandMaster Cacoy Cañete (12th Degree Black Belt) founder of Cacoy Doce Pares and one of the original founding members of Doce Pares Eskrima)
Instructor in Muay Thai under Grand Master Surachai “Chai” Sirisute (Founder of Thai Boxing Assoc of U.S.A & Founder of World Thai Boxing Association)
Instructor in Jun Fan Gung Fu / Jeet Kune Do under Sifu Dan Inosanto (Bruce Lee’s Protege and the only man ever to receive all 3 certifications from Lee and only person ever to be certified in Jeet Kune Do under Lee)
Instructor in the Inosanto Blend of Filipino Martial Arts under Tuhon Dan Inosanto (Founder of the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts, Founder of IIMAIA and Living Martial Arts Legend)
Instructor in Wing Chun Gung Fu under Sifu Francis Fong (founder of the Wing Chun Association of the USA)
Coach in the arts of Combat Submission Wrestling ( Muay Thai, Savate, Jun Fan Kickboxing, Judo, Freestyle Wrestling, and Greco-Roman Wrestling with techniques and submissions from Shoot wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Sambo, and Catchascatchcan.)under Professor/Sensei Erik Paulson (Founder of Combat Submission Wrestling and is the first American to win the World Light-Heavy Weight Shooto Title in Japan)
Instructor in Savate (French Kickboxing) under Professor Nicolas Saignac
Instructor: in the arts of Jun Fan Gung Fu / Jeet Kune Do Concepts – Filipino Kali – Maphilindo Silat – Muay Thai Kickboxing under Sifu/Guro Christopher Clarke (Founder of Northwest Kali / JKD Association and Full Instructor under Si Gung / Tuhon Dan Inosanto)
Instructor in Real Kickboxing Bag Workout (TM) Orange County Kickboxing & MMA
Instructor for the New Mexico Department of Public Safety in the areas of Defensive Tactics, Impact & Edged Weapons, Empty Hand Combat & Ground Control
Additional QualificationsAlbuquerque Kickboxing & Martial Arts / Yeevolve Training Center: Co Founder / Master Instructor
Luttrell / Yee MMA & Fitness: Co-Founder / Master Instructor & Head Striking Coach
Albuquerque Kickboxing & MMA: Founder / Master Instructor
Albuquerque Kickboxing Academy: Founder / Master Instructor
Defensive Tactics Consultant/Edge & Impact Weapons Specialist: APD (NM)
Albuquerque Martial Arts Academy Founder / Chief Instructor
Defensive Tactics Trainer: NMNG WMD-CST (NM)
Regulatory Enforcement Agent: U.S.G.R.C. (WA)
Law Enforcement Officer: U.S.I.T. (WA)
Kickboxing Coach: Gold’s Gym (WA)
Defensive Tactics Consultant: WCSO / BPD (WA)
Self Defense Instructor: Whatcom County Rape Crisis Center (WA)
Director of Security / Surveillance F.C.G.C. (WA)
Assistant Instructor: Northwest Kali /JKD Academy (WA)
Kickboxing Coach: Kent Women’s Club (WA) *Yee was the only male instructor ever to have worked for this prestigious health club.
Owner / Trainer: Northwest Body Sculpting (WA)
Fitness Trainer: World Gym (WA)
Competition Experience 1980-2001
Yee has been a trainer/ Muay Thai & striking coach for Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone since 2008
Yee has also been the primary Muay Thai & striking coach for Damacio Page, Jordan Espinoza, Claudia Gadelha, John Dodson, Juan Gonzalez, Jerome Riveria & many more
your Team
Kru Nas
Kru Chris
Kru Jonny
Kru Sam
Kru Rishard
Coach "Yaz" Yasmeen
Asst. Coach Olowan
Asst. Coach Amy
Asst. Coach Paul
Asst. Coach Omar
Asst. Coach Leilany
Coach Rob
Kettlebell Instructor
Coach Lucas
Functional Fitness Instructor